Letter From Membership Vice President

Letter From Membership Vice President

"Dear PNM

Hello and welcome to Alpha Xi Delta! I am so excited to meet you all and show you the chapter that I call home. Going through recruitment might be scary, I know I was scared, but it turned out to be one of the best decisions I ever made. When I rushed, every single girl in Alpha Xi Delta made sure I felt welcomed and comfortable, and hopefully we can provide you all with that same experience. These girls are some of the brightest and strongest women I have ever met, and I am so thankful to call them my best friends. Going Greek has truly made my college experience everything and more by getting to create these friendships and bonds that will last a lifetime. Alpha Xi Delta has given me something I have never had before, a sisterhood of girls who push me everyday to be the best version of myself. There is no place I would rather call home than Alpha Xi Delta. My best advice I would give to you when going through recruitment, is just to be authentic and enjoy yourself. I can’t wait to meet you all! See you soon. 

XOXi, Shreya."